Michelle Obama - Becoming
Perhaps *the* book launch of 2018, Michelle Obama's autobiography, Becoming gives for the first time, an uncensored insight into the woman behind the 'Obama' brand. Beyond her FLOTUS role, Becoming allows Michelle the candid space to share some context to the woman we feel we all 'know' now. A natural storyteller with the warmth of a girlfriend, she shares the life moments that shaped her - from her upbringing in Chigago to the formative female relationships in her life, her career, motherhood and of course, Mr. Obama. She shares her fears, struggles and hopes for the next chapter in her family's life.

Tiffany Dufu - Drop the Ball
If you are a perfectionist, set yourself impossibly high standards and are always feeling like you're juggling it all - this is the book for you. The 'emotional load' that women bear as partners, mothers, daughters, friends AS WELL as their careers is crippling women's potential to reach their career goals. Tiffany's book gives you the permission to reassess your responsibilities and look at prioritising those that are really making you happy.

Arianna Huffington - Thrive
An oldie but a goodie - after 5 years Arianna Huffington's Thrive still offers relevant advice on how to work smarter, stop equating 'busy' with 'working hard' and really question what 'success' means to you. After suffering exhaustion and burn-out, Arianna wanted to find a new way to 'thrive' at work that wasn't defined by power and money - a 'third metric' - so, drawing on the latest scientific research she set out to demonstrate how practices of meditation, mindfulness, unplugging and philanthropy can all help us succeed in finding fulfillment and success in our careers.

Otegha Uwagba - Little Black Book - a toolkit for women A brilliant 'bite size' read, full of practical, accessible tips and advice for women at any stage of their career - there are anecdotes from trailblazing creative women, tips on public speaking, how to negociate a payrise, overcome writer's block and build your personal brand. A modern career guide for driven women looking for real-life, practical advice on how to build their success on their own terms.

Marie-Anne Slaughter - Unfinished Business When Anne-Marie Slaughter's Atlantic article, "Why Women Still Can't Have it All" first appeared, it immediately went viral, sparking global debate. Since then she has become the poster girl for the 'work:life' conundrum and gender equality in the workplace. Unfinished Business delves deeper into her belief that we are far from 'having it all' and in her warm, down-to-earth style lays out through thorough research and anecdotal evidence what is really necessary to achieve equality at work, and at home.

Rachel Hollis - Girl, Stop Apologizing (pre-order now, out April 2019) - the bestselling author and founder of multi-million dollar media company identifies the excuses to let go of, the behaviours to adopt, and the skills to acquire on the path to growth, confidence, and learning to believe in yourself. If you suffer from 'apologitis', are self-deprecating and find it hard to 'self-promote' - this could be one to order now.
What have been your favourite reads lately?